Article By:

Urban Dsouza, 
M.A; B.Ed; Diploma in Journalism, Executive MBA

1.    Australia

The smallest continent of the world Australia, celebrates Christmas in the summer as December is the summer season in this island nation. So, while the rest of the world is wearing winter clothes, Australians wear their finest summer clothes for Christmas celebrations. They even prefer celebrating it out in the open where they can barbeque and enjoy the sunshine. 

As elsewhere, after going to church, families gather to ring in the festival by singing carols and performing plays. Many even hit the beach, go surfing and go to Christmas parties that are organized throughout the country. Kids often hang stockings and expect to get gifts in return from Santa Claus and Father Christmas. 

Breakfast usually consists of ham and eggs while Christmas dinner is usually roasted turkey or barbequed meat. Christmas tree in Australia is with many decorations, usually bright and colorful. The flowers that bloom in summer are part of the decorations.

2. Brazil

 Many Brazilian Christmas traditions come from Portugal as Portugal ruled Brazil for many years. Nativity Scenes, known as Presépio are very popular. They are set-up in churches and homes all through December.

Christmas plays called 'Os Pastores' (The Shepherds), like the plays in Mexico, are also popular. In the Brazilian versions of the play, there's also traditionally a shepherdess and also a woman who tries to steal the baby Jesus!

Most people, especially Catholics, will go to a Midnight Mass service or Missa do Galo (Mass of the Roster). The mass normally finishes about 1.00am. On Christmas day, people might go to church again, but this time the services are often in the afternoon.

After the Missa do Gallo there are often big firework displays and in big towns and cities there are big Christmas tree shaped displays of electric lights. In Brazil, Santa Cluas is called Papai Noel & Bom Velhinho (Good Old Man). The most popular Christmas song in Brazil is 'Noite Feliz' (Silent Night).

Favorite Christmas foods in Brazil include pork, turkey, ham, salads and fresh and dried fruits. Everything is served with rice cooked with raisins and a good spoon of "farofa" (seasoned manioc flour.) Popular Christmas desserts include tropical and ice cream.

3.    Canada

 Canada is a very large country and people of many different cultural backgrounds live there. Because of this, there are lots of different Christmas traditions in Canada. Many of the traditions and celebrations come from French, English, Irish, German, Scottish etc.

People in Canada send Christmas Cards to their friends and family.

Many Canadians open their gifts on Christmas Eve. Some only open their stocking on Christmas Eve. Others choose one gift to open, then save the rest until Christmas Day.

Canadians like to decorate their houses with Christmas Trees, lights and other decorations. There are often Christmas stockings hung by the fireplace, ready for Santa!

The main Christmas meal is often roast turkey with vegetables and 'all the trimmings' like mashed potatoes and vegetables. Traditional favorite Christmas desserts include Christmas/plum puddings and mincemeat tarts. Christmas crackers are popular with many people in Canada as well. A rich fruit Christmas cake is also normally eaten around Christmas time!

4.    China

 China too celebrates Christmas; however, here it is called Holy Birth Festival or Sheng Dan Jieh. Christmas in China is a fun affair with colorful paper decorations all around. People often make paper lanterns, patterns and decorative items using colorful paper. These are hung outside the house and on the Christmas tree. Children hang muslin stockings to get presents from Old Man or Santa Claus. People often gift their loved ones something expensive while friends and relatives are given tokens. They call the Christmas tree, ‘tree of light’, and Santa Claus is considered a good luck charm in China. 

The Christmas feast consists of local cuisine and there are feasts organized in restaurants too. From fireworks to acrobats, Christmas is a fun time in China.

5.    England

In England Christmas celebrations are slightly different from other places and are more about decorating the house and the Christmas tree, stocking up on gifts, baking cookies and then having a lavish feast with the family. Because the weather is chilly and gloomy during this time, people spread Christmas joy by singing carols visiting houses. Usually, kids & youth do this and in return, the owners give them cookies to eat. 

Christmas is also the time to meet friends and family and people make sure they spend it with their loved ones. Turkey and Yorkshire pudding is enjoyed during the midday feast and then, during high-tea, people eat Christmas cake. Children usually hand large stockings over the fireplace and write down their wish list on a piece of paper that is tossed into the fire so that it reaches the chimney as that is from where Santa arrives.